Friday 11 December 2015

Ways to Get Website Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less!

Image result for web traffics

 As the name suggests,
this ebook  is all about
getting traffic to your
website/blog! Getting traffic to your
website can often be
time consuming and
expensive, so we
decided to put
together a series of “30 Minute Traffic
Tips” to help you get
traffic to your
website as quickly as
possible using free
methods. This EBook is a
collaboration of effort
from Suzanne
Morrison, Ken Troyer,
Cynthia Minnaar, Jeff
Casmer and Jeff Schuman. All of us
work from home and
run a successful
internet business. We
are all website owners
and have years of experience online.
One of the secrets to
our success is taking
action on our online
businesses on a
regular basis. Rather than getting
overwhelmed with all
the internet marketing
information and
feeling like you
are pulled in multiple directions by lots of
different internet
marketing “gurus”
telling you to do
different things, you
should focus on doing things that will bring
your business benefit
in terms of traffic,
conversions and sales. This is the reason we
created this EBook.
Even if you only have
half an hour available
each day, or if you are
a complete newbie with no marketing or
technical skills, you
should be able to
choose a traffic tip
from this EBook and
get results fast! Each of the “30 Minute
Traffic Tips” has been
designed to: • Bring a direct
benefit to your online
• Be straightforward
enough to complete in
30 minutes or less • Be easy enough to
complete without any
marketing or technical
• Cost you nothing If you are struggling
to make money from
your website, need
more traffic or need
help setting up or
modifying your website you may
want to consider
contacting me by
dropping your email
address and contacts
for • Personal coaching in
a private members
only forum
• A step by step 12
Week Traffic Action
Plan • A monthly Traffic
• Hundreds of videos
and training guides
• Downloadable PLR
and MRR Products & Articles for your
Website Traffic Tip #1 - Get 3
Backlinks on High PR
Websites Author: Suzanne
Morrison Summary: getting
good backlinks to
your website will help
to increase the overall
search engine rank of
your website. There are lots of well known
ways to get
backlinks, including
article marketing,
directory submission
and link exchange, but this task focuses on
getting backlinks from
websites that have a
high page rank. Benefit – If you
complete the
following steps you
will have 3 brand new
backlinks to your site
from high page rank websites. Step by Step
Instructions 1) Get a backlink from (PR7).
EHow is a popular
website that teaches
people how to do
things. There are lots of categories including
business, pets, home
& finance, entertaining
and more.
• Visit and
click the “Join Now” button on the top
• Fill in the form and
click “Register Now”
• Login using your
username and password and click
“Edit Profile”
• Fill in as many details
as you want to but
make sure that you
put your website URL in the “Web Site” box
and also write a
sentence or two in the
“About Me Box”
• When you fill in the
“About Me” box include your website
URL with your
keywords in the
anchor text e.g.
My name is Suzanne
and I live in Scotland. I am the owner of ”>Internet Business
• Click the “Save
Changes” button and
check everything
looks ok by clicking the “see my public
profile” button. 2) Get a backlink from (PR8).
Blogger is a popular
blogging website
owned by Google.
This part of the task does not involve
setting up a blog, it is
simply a way to get a
• If you don’t already
have a Google account create one.
• Login to with
your Google account
• Click on “Edit Profile”
• There is a space to add our website but
this is a nofollow link
(not counted as a
backlink). BUT, if you
edit the “About Me”
section you can add your website and
anchor text and get a
backlink. E.g. My name is Suzanne
and I am from
Edinburgh. I am the
owner of href=” http:// www.homebiz- ”>Online Business Ideas
. • Click on “Save
Profile” 3) Get a backlink from (PR8)
– statcounter is a
popular website
tracking tool.
In this method we are going to get a backlink
from the statcounter
• Visit the Statcounter
Forum and register
• Login and click on your username, then
click on “user cpanel“
and then on “edit your
• Enter your website
URL in the “Your Home Page” box
• Scroll down and click
“Save Changes”
• If you can make a
post in the
statcounter forum as well this will help to
get your profile page
indexed more quickly,
but you do not have
to do this. If you do,
make sure that your post is useful and
either respond to
someone’s comment
or ask a question
related to statcounter. Additional Information
If you are not sure
what is meant by page
rank read What is
Google Page Rank?. In most of these
examples your profile
will be created on a
new page which will
have a page rank of
zero, BUT, because these sites are very
popular and have high
page ranks, over time
your link on that page
will be a very high
quality backlink. Traffic Tip #2 – Use
Twitter to Get More
Traffic Author: Cynthia
Minnaar Summary: In this task
you will Set up a
Twitter account if you
don’t already have
one, make two
updates (Tweets) – one to announce you
have just joined
Twitter and another
to announce your
latest blog post, find
10 people to follow and add your
Twitter login details to
your EzineArticles
account (if you have
one). Benefit – Twitter is a
very quick and easy
way to make new
friends, brand
yourself and to drive
more traffic to your blog or website. Step by Step
Instructions 1) Join Twitter if you
are not already a
• Visit ,
click on the green
“Join Today” button and complete the
details requested on
the “Join The
Conversation” form.
Then... • Click the green
“Create My Account”
button. • Login to your
Twitter account and
click on the “Settings”
link in the top right
hand corner of your
screen. • Click on the
“Account” tab
- Add your full blog or
website address
(including http://) into
the “More Info URL:” . - Add your url again
(without the http://
and put a comma at
the end of the url e.g. ,) into the “One Line
Bio:” which will give
you a backlink.
- Do not tick the
“Protect my Updates”
box as you want your updates to be made
- Click Save. • Click on the
“Notices” tab
- Select your options.
- Click Save. • Click on the “Picture”
- Upload your photo
by using the browse
button to locate your
photo on your hard drive. A window will
open, locate your “My
Pictures” folder and
once you have located
your photo just
double click on it. - Click Save. • Click on the “Design”
- Choose a theme for
your Twitter page.
- Click Save. 2) You have now set
up your account and
are ready to make
your first TWEET! Ideally you should
make a Tweet daily
and Twitter allows
you to do this in under
140 characters • Click on the Home
link at the top of the
page. • In the blank box
under “What Are You
Doing?” type (in under
140 characters) a
general message to
announce you have just joined Twitter and
click “Update”.
Congratulations, you
have just made your
first Tweet. 3) Find People to
follow To get people to
follow you on Twitter
you need to find
people. You can use
the search function
under the “Find People” tab as well as
joining Tweeter
Getter for free and
simply add your
Twitter username and
password into the form and click “Tweet
Now”. When you receive
email notifications that
you have a new
follower you can just
click on the link in the
email and the follower’s Twitter
web page will open,
login to your Twitter
account using the
Login link at the top
and click on “Follow” under the photo. Or
you can just login
through your own
Twitter page and click
on “Followers” and
click on the “Follow” link under the photo. 4) Add Your Twitter
Details to Your
EzineArticles Profile If you have an
EzineArticles account,
login and go to your
Profile and fill in your
Twitter Username and
Password and every time a new article of
yours is approved
they will automatically
Tweet it for you. 5) Tweet A Blog Post If you are going to
post a link to your
latest blog post or
website you will
remember that you
are limited to 140 characters for your
whole post. Now decide on a Blog
post that you would
like to Tweet. Click on
the “Home” link in
your Twitter account
and under “What Are You Doing?” type in
the title of your blog
post and paste the url
to the blog post. Don’t
be surprised when
you see a very strange url – that is
because Twitter
automatically uses a
website called to
create a short url. Click
on the link and you will see that it goes to
your blog. If you don’t have a
blog yet, say a
sentence or two
about your website
and include your
website URL instead. Congratulations, you
have just made your
second Tweet telling
everyone about your
new blog post with a
link to it. Additional
Bear in mind you only
have 140 characters
to make your post, so
if you have a very long blog url you can
always generate a
short url first through http:/// and then paste the url
generated for you
into your post, which
will leave you more
space for you to add
your title or whatever message you want to
add. That’s the very basics
of Twitter – a quick
and easy way to
brand yourself and
drive traffic to your
blog. Traffic Tip #3 – Write
a Product Review Author: Ken Troyer Summary: Write a
review of a product
that you personally
use (something that
you can also promote
as an affiliate and earn a commission) from
places like ClickBank,
PayDotCom, or
something that you
have personally used
and feel positive about. Benefit – People often
buy products based
upon honest
reviews…rather than a
normal sales pitch, or
recommendation. People who are
looking for reviews
are “buyers”…they
have ALREADY decided
to buy the product,
but they just need to be reassured that
they are making the
right choice. Step by Step
Instructions 1.) Chose a product,
service or
membership that you
personally use and
LOVE…and go find
their affiliate program. If you can’t find the
affiliate program of
your product, email
the owner of the
product and ask
them…they will be happy to help you
with this. 2.) Locate your
referral URL, or your
affiliate link. 3.) Write your review
of the product. -
Okay…now it’s
important to know
how to write a review
that is helpful to people. You are NOT
trying to sell the
product, you are
actually intercepting a
sale DECISION in
progress and giving them what they want -
proof & justification. So your job is to
simply make a "FACT
SHEET" for this
product and share
your experience. Be
sure to include the following: • The product name
• The person
associated with the
product (author,
developer, etc)
• The merchant's official domain name
• The brand/company
• The version history
(especially with
software) • How long have you
been using this tool or
• Why is This Product
a Good Choice…tell
them how it helped you.
• Advantages and
Disadvantages of the
products Don't just stuff
keywords, but make
sure to naturally
include as much detail
as you can because it
will give the search engines something to
serve up to people
researching that exact
product. Once you have
written your review
you can easily post it
on your blog. If you
don’t have a blog yet
you can get one built for free if you join the
Affiliate Power Group. Be sure to include the
product name and that
this is a review in
your blog title and
two or three times
throughout your blog post. E.g. “Review of
Product XYZ” as many
people will search for
reviews of specific
products on Google
and this will help your review to get ranked
in the search engines. And remember, when
soon-to-be buyers are
researching a product,
they're usually on the
verge of BUYING
something. What they're looking for is
a mixture of proof
and justification. They
want their money to
go to good use, but
they also want to help themselves internally
justify the purchase. Your job is to just
intercept them…and
help them make the
final decision. That’s
Now go do it!

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